Sunday, October 08, 2006

Pumpkin Pie Day

Last week while my parents were out of town at the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert (...seriously) Luke saw a van drive by and drop something off on our doorstep. A pumpkin. Heartland Vineyard church had dropped off pumpkins to all of the houses in the neighborhood. It was cute to look up and down the street and see a pumpkin on everyone's doorstep but we had other plans for ours. Pie. I'd never made a pumpkin pie from an actual pumpkin before so I thought we would try it. (By the way, when I just typed "try" it came out "trie" the first time) Now this was only my second overall pumpkin pie baking experience. One time for growth group we made a whole bunch of pumpkin pies but I don't remember why or what happened to them. Alex?

Anyway. So I found some instructions online and then found a can of pumpkin in the cupboard so we decided to make two pies - one out of a pumpkin and one from canned pumpkin. Oh I know, we're thrilling people. Alisha and Isaiah even came over to witness the adventure.

Step one was to clean out, cut up and roast the pumpkin. It was harder than I thought it would be to cut it up into big chunks and it was kind of a pain to have to scrape it out of the chunks. Someone online said to just cut it in half (squash style) and that's definitely what I'll do next time. There was a longer roasting and cooling time but it would be worth it.
Luke was in charge of getting the spices and stuff ready. He was trying to put the sugar away and the brown rice got in the way and escaped...all the floor.Done!

It turned out pretty well. I think it would be tastier if I had roasted the pumpkin longer. You can kind of see that the inside is a little pale and there was a little bit of a raw pumpkiny taste. I also made the mistake of not using the same recipe for each pie so I couldn't really tell if the differences were because of the pumpkin or because of the recipe. Rookie mistake.
That's it for that adventure. This week's cooking fun was lasagna but that's not all that exciting so there won't be a post dedicated to it. The end.


  1. Hmmm I remember no pie. Was that maybe the year I went out of town for Halloween and you did it without me?
