Tuesday, October 10, 2006

and before you know it, the leaves have fallen

It seems like yesterday I was noticing that the leaves were starting to change. I didn't even get any good pictures of foliage. It's supposed to be super cold tonight. I can't wait to wake up and need an extra blanket. It's time for Sigur Ros. I read a great blog entry about their song "Hippipolla" today:

"When i hear this song i visualize Jesus coming back for some reason. It's so incredibly victorious. It's like Jesus has finally come back to bring his children to his side one last time ... to end suffering and disease and heartbreak and dissapointment forever. The death of death. And he wipes every tear from every eye. The orphans are no longer fatherless, the widows no longer desolate."

See now that's a guy who gets it. Very nice.

Oh and btw, I've really been loving working at Starbucks. There really is a sense of community there, it's great. I love seeing old couples come in and stay long after their cups are empty. I love feeling challenged to learn new things and I feel like I'm good at what I do. I love getting to know my co-workers and ask them fun questions. I love getting to read the New York Times every day. Today on the front page North Korea was described as "starving and friendless" and it cracked me up. I'm pretty sure the people I work with aren't quite ready for my real sense of humor (I'm easing them into it, don't worry) so I promptly called Alex. I also realized that I've successfully eased Alex into my sense of humor too because she totally played along when I started personifying Asian countries. I mean we feel bad that North Korea is starving and friendless but it's their own fault. Really South Korea has it worse because SK plays well with others but has to cut across NK's lawn in order to get to China and NK knows the whole time that they're together but didn't invite them. SK and China can't even play outside because NK would totally see them (and bomb them). Japan is just too cool to get involved and wants everyone to calm down and get along.

Yes...this is how my brain works.

Oh and yesterday when I was on my break I was really excited to buy the new Decemberists album and went to the mall and the Sam Goody was gone. It was some random t-shirt store now. It was so confusing because I was on the phone and walked into the store and turned around in at least 2 circles trying to figure out what happened and where all of the cd's were.

Okay. This post has been all over the place and it's time to just make it stop. Have a great night.

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