Saturday, June 17, 2006

speaking of my favorite

i miss her:

she is here:
which is approximately 9157 miles away.
that's a lot.

but soon i will only be 4872 miles away.

Joanna- you're 6125 miles away. that's a fair few.

Holly is only 1232 miles away. That's so close I can smell her from here.

Jess is 226 miles away. I only posted that because she'll call and yell at me for not including her if I don't. Soon she'll be 4282 miles away...counting down the days...omgjkjk

PS- last night I had a dream that I converted to Judaism so that I could join Jews for Jesus but the first time I went to temple (I'm the kind of Jew who goes to temple even when it's not a high holy day) Elia Einhorn (Aaron Wonky Goodtime's brother) was there and called me out for loving Jesus and all the real Jewish people were sooo mad and kicked me out. It was really sad.


  1. i was so surprised that you posted about me. YAY! It's easy to feel forgotten sometimes when you are miles and miles and a random plane ride for fifteen hours away. ha ha
    I can't believe that Africa is farther than Japan... is that because she is in South Africa? Cause I thought I was "dig a hole"... I mean, I know that's China but I'm REAL close to China. Speaking of which, we're having Christmas in China~ I think Alesha Granzow is coming here and then she and I are going to China to see Toby. You up for celebrating Christmas with egg rolls?
    Yaya! Love you Ang.

  2. and boy do i smell!
