Monday, April 10, 2006

cup of joe

remember when i said i picked up and application to work at cup of joe?

here are the questions on it:

1. Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

2. If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one of the following, which would it be?
a. a stack of National Geographics
b. the complete works of Danielle Steel
c. a single latte

3. Hypothetical Question: A groggy, confused, caffeine deprived customer walks in. How would you approach the situation?
a. talk slowly and loudly
b. slap them silly
c. suggest a double espresso or redeye

4. What are your thoughts on Kwik Star Cappuccino?

5. What do you think your mission would be at the cup?
a. to cater to the caffiene craze currently hitting CF/Waterloo
b. to caffeinate the free world
c. to bring peace and happiness to those around you

6. How do you feel about Decaf?

7. Is Folger's an "F' word to you?

8. Are you sufficiently addicted to caffiene?

9. If you could have only one beverage for the rest of your life (besides H2o) , what would it be?

10. Where have you worked?

11. What are you doing with your life?

For real. I can't wait to fill it out.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like it could be the greatest job ever. it makes me want to m ove back up there and apply. this place is full of starbucks and lacking in the local coffee shop aspect. no hoa type place that i have found. i thought that i found a neighborhood place on sunday, but alas it was another chain. it is just a chain we don't have in the midwest, so i didn't know better. sigh.
