Wednesday, September 21, 2005

so different without you?

goodbye count: 2

i went over to kate's last night after work to say goodbye. instead of saying goodbye we mostly talked about our fear of STD's and how ignorant our parents were about our high school boyfriends. chances are i won't see her for about 3 years. my mom is convinced that we'll see each other at conferences and stuff but I think that our ministries are really different and I shouldn't get my hopes up. i have absolutely no concept of not seeing someone in that amount of time. i made her go to sleep around 1:30 (which was ridiculous because it was an hour and a half before she had to wake up to leave for the airport) and I said "okay bye" and hugged her and apologized for not being emotional and left. I saw Laura yesterday and she was like "what are you going to do without Kate? are you so sad? she loves you so much!" and i was all "um, yeah i don't know" so then i kind of felt guilty for not being in touch with the reality of the situation. i'm sure it'll hit me in like a week when i want to go camping or drive to missouri or something and she's not there because she's building her hut in mozambique. speaking of which, i should probably take her name out of my phone so i don't call her mom and ask if she's there and make her mom cry.

oh but i did cash in on the stuff she couldn't fit in her suitcase. books and school supplies and lots of stuff you can take from my house when you come over to say goodbye to me.

114 days

ps- contrary to previous judgment - turns out i really do like neutral milk hotel

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