Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It's been a while...

Name: Angela Jo Swope
Single or Taken: oh so single
Eye color: hazel
Shoe size: 11
Height: 5'9"
What are you wearing right now? Pajama pants and my What If shirt
Righty or lefty: righty

Kind of pants: pajama
Animal: I really miss my dog. But I super heart ducks.
Month: definitely October
Juice: grape
Favorite cartoon: The Jetsons...unless Daria counts

Bungee Jumped? No, but I'd sky dive
Made yourself throw-up? no
Loved someone so much it made you cry? I hate this question
Been in a physical fight? only with family members
Been on a plane: I love flying...for less than 6 hours at a time
Came close to dying: I came close to being shot and put in an african jail! (ha! me too!)
Been in a hot tub: yes
Fallen asleep in school: yes
Broken someone's heart: doubtful
Cried when someone died: usually not until several months later
Fell off your chair: yeah, like, daily
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: duh
Saved IM conversations: totally
Been cheated on: nope. one of the perks associated with not really dating (agreed)

Do You:
Believe in love at first sight? no
Believe long distance relationships work: how would I know?
Like school: at the moment, yes
Question yourself: constantly
Who was the last person that called you? David
Who makes you smile the most: a 3 year old
Who knows you the best?: totally Cate
Get along with your family: most of them

Final Questions:
What are you doing this weekend? Annual retreat - speakers, picnics, games, frisbee
What car/truck do you wish to have: a renault 4
Have a lava lamp: currently, no. formerly, oh yeah
How many remote controls are in your house? 0
Are you double jointed? not possible. no such thing.
When you last showered? 6am
Scary or Funny Movies: funny
Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper: ooh, I would welcome either
Summer or winter: tough call. i love winter but there's just something about summer...and vice versa
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sprite or 7up: 7up but only really when I'm sick
Coffee or tea: Coffee!!
In person or on the phone: I hate the phone

Yesterday Did You:
Talk to someone you like: yes
Buy something: yes, stuff to make tea treats
Talked to an ex: ha, yeah kinda

Last person who:
Slept in your bed: my roommate all day today after she puked in hers
Saw/heard you cry: ugh, like, everyone
Made you cry? Jesus, duh
Went to the movies with: Kate in Nairobi
Said "I Love You": Crissa before she left!
Ever been in a fight with your pet: totally. I think I'm in one right now actually...
Been to Canada: yes
Been to Europe: yes
Been to Mexico: yes

Do you have a crush on someone right now: totally, i hate my life
What book are you reading now: The Divine Conspiracy and Principle Centered Leadership
Future kids names: I really like "E" names
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
What's under your bed: backpacks
Favorite sports to watch: baseball, basketball, the Packers, swimming, sometimes golf
Favorite Locations: hammocks
Tattoos or piercings: my ears are pierced but I don't wear earrings, and i have a tattoo on the back of my neck
What are you most scared of right now? never getting caught up
Who do you really hate? i don't "really hate" anyone.
Do you have a job? YES! woo! I haven't started yet though.
Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with: duh, of course
Song that's stuck in your head right now? Peter and the Wolf
Have you ever been on radio? yeah I answered a question right

More Random
What color is your underwear right now? striped
What are the first things you notice about the opposite sex? smile? i don't know.
Are you too shy to ask someone out? it's not because i'm too shy
Hugs or kisses: neither, leave me alone. jkjk...kinda
Dogs or cats?: dogs
Favorite Flower?: daisies, hydrangeas, tulips
Have you ever fired a gun? no, yikes
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2, but one always ends up on the floor
Do you think (any of) your ex(s) miss you? hopefully not

1 comment:

  1. two things:

    1-why wouldn't daria count?

    and 2-do you think brandy ever thought that her song "have you ever" would be as infamous as online surveys have made it? there's no way anyone could have predicted that. i think about this every time i read an online survey. why aren't you online right now?
