Friday, February 22, 2008

once in a [red] moon

Look! My sleep schedule is all messed up and I've been napping and unproductive as a result but I got to see THIS! Jess alerted me to the fact that an astronomical phenomena would be visible to both of us so I gladly set my alarm for 3 hours after my bedtime in order to see it. It was so cool! The moon was pretty small so it was a little hard to see (that might have been the sleepiness though) but it was awesome. I thought it would be bright red sooner but it was cool watching the little strip of white fade away. Eclipses are pretty cool! Did you see it??

PS- This is not my picture, my camera is broken and definitely not awesome enough to take pictures of the moon. Although, I did work really hard to find one that looked just like what I saw, so there's that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Hey! Remember who gave you that camera and paid for it with the bulk of his detasseling earnings! You better be grateful for the gifts you recieve or maybe you won't have anything to be grateful for. Yeah so you better chigity chigity check your self before you wreck yourself.
