Friday, December 22, 2006

this totally makes my spirit bright


1. Who kissed you on new years?
Ha. Hahaha.

2. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?
I doubt it. I generally avoid things like that.

3. Does it snow where you live?

4. Do you like hot chocolate?
oooh yes

5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
No, and I don't really have any desire to. New Year's is pretty dumb if you ask me.


1. Who was your Valentine? dog?

2. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?
Uh yeah! Cool ones, like the kind you fold into paper airplanes.

3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
No. The movie is much more important than the actual groundhog. Am I right or am I right or am I right...right right right.


1. Are you Irish?
Probably not but maybe.

2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
Generally not. But I do drink green beer.

3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2006?
Alex came to see me and we went to the Panther Lounge for green beer and watched the guy put drops of green food coloring in our beer and stir it up and hand it to us. It was awesome.

4. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
I don't really like that week or so where it's still cold and the snow is dirty and everything is wet. But I love it when it's finally warm out and you don't need a coat.


1. Do you like the rain?
Yeah, I love it.

2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone?
I don't think so. I've played some good ones though. One time I pretended to drink pee on a bet and then spilled it on Dan's coat. I think that's my favorite. It was diluted apple juice.

3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
Not tons. Mostly just lots of chocolate eggs and lots of jelly beans. Oh and lots of those malted milk ball egg things that I hate.

4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
Ha no....I don't think I ever have.

5. Do you love the month of April?
Not particularly


1. What is your favorite flower?
hydrangeas, daisies, cherry blossoms

2. Do you like the spring?
Yeah. It's not my favorite though.

3. Finish the phrase "April showers":
bring may flowers...duh

4. What is the first color you think of when you think of Spring?
green. and yellow.


1. What year did/will you graduate from high school?

2. Did you do anything fun during this month?
I hung out with Alisha a lot- we did lots of fun stuff.


1. What did you do on the Fourth of July?
Hmmm. I don't really remember. I know that Andrea and Alisha and I went to the fireworks but I think that's it.

2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?
We left for Alaska at the end of July!

3. Do you blast the A/C all day?
Not if it's up to me. I'd much rather be a little too hot and have the windows open.


1. Did you do anything special at the end of your summer?
Alaska! That was definitely special.

2. What was your favorite summer memory of '06?
Lots of animals in Alaska, getting ready for Alisha's baby, lots of time with my niece and nephew.

3. Did you have a sunburn?
Yeah! Kelly, Andrea, Alisha and I spent all day at the lake and I definitely got a sunburn that day. I think that was in June though...maybe July.

4. Do you go to the beach a lot?
No. I don't really care about the beach. I love the ocean though!


1. Did you attend school/college in '06?

2. Who is your favorite teacher?
This guy John is a history professor at UNI and I like it when he comes to Starbucks...does that count?

3. Do you like fall better than summer?
Yes! I LOVE fall.


1. What was your favorite Halloween costume?
My brother was "dead Ashton Kutcher" which was hilarious.

2. What is your favorite candy?
I think peanut m&m's

3.What did you dress up as this year?
I bought a wig to wear to work but I didn't end up wearing it.


1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
Everyone comes to our house. This year I worked.

2. Do you love stuffing?
Yeah! I love putting it in lefse and rolling it up.

3. What are you thankful for?
The "givers" of the world. I'm so so so thankful for them.


1. Do you celebrate Christmas?

2. What is December 1st, 2006?
Jeff Goodenbour's 25th birthday. (There are like 5 people from elementary school whose birthdays I remember and his is always one of them...I hope he doesn't google himself and get creeped out by that)

3. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
My step-mom always hung mistletoe in a doorway and my brothers would chase me and pretend they had to kiss me but I don't think they ever caught me. Then there was mistletoe in Dan and Aaron's room (and a duct tape circle on the floor defining the "danger zone") but I don't know if I got caught. Obviously if I did it wasn't a very memorable kissing experience...

4. Get anything special last year?
My Ipod!

5. What do you want this year?
Monthly supporters! I would just really like a nice relaxed Christmas with my family without pressure or stress. There's a list of things that I need to take to Africa but I'm sure I'll probably just get a bunch of stuff that will sit in my room for 2 years.

6. Do you like cold weather?
If there's snow...


  1. FUN!

    i tagged you on my last blog post. now you have to fill out the one word survey.

    i might steal this one from you.

    merry christmas!

  2.'re currently watching Scoop? How? Does it get better part way through?

    By the way, I love the questions.

  3. So I DID just google myself and ha, this came up. What a trip. Great to know that you remember this! I don't know what the connection is, but would love to hear from you. Hit me at goobur -at- hotmail dot com
