Saturday, December 09, 2006

international mail is'd better hurry

so i order this book online from amazon for about a dollar. i'm really excited about it and i'm eager for it to arrive. one day my mom says, "did you see that you got a package?" I'm excited to hear this and look around at the various places the mail usually ends up but don't see any packages. "It's out in the garage, it's pretty big," she says. Hmm...big? So i figure it's a used book so the person probably just sent it in whatever box was laying around but then I see that it's a rather new, quite large jones soda box...huh?!

Confusion sets in.
I open the box.

Dude! A case of Jones Soda! Score!

Ew gross! Turkey and Gravy Soda! Sick!
HA! It's from Alex!
Wait...and my picture is on it.
Of course.
And it's that picture...of course.
She sucks.
How did she even get that picture?

If anyone would like one (or 11) bottle(s) of Turkey and Gravy Jones Soda with my picture on it, give me your address. Actually I can really only give away 10 because I have to send one to Jess because she's my co-star. Details - the picture was in Legoland at the Mall of America on Matt's birthday forever ago. Jess made me dress up like a pirate and I clearly was not as amused as she was. I make this face a lot because my friends are ridiculous, as proven by this post. Oh and it tastes horrible...kind of like chicken broth and sprite.

OH! PS! She also sent a case of Jones to Amy - who got an ACTUAL GOOD FLAVOR OF JONES! GGRRRRR.


  1. I was so excited about that... you don't even know how hard it was not to call and tell you it was coming.

    And obviously I just like Amy more... :D Just Kidding!

  2. Dude, if you sent one to Japan... and it made it here without getting broken. I would take a picture of me drinking it on top of Mt. Fuji... you'd have to wait until June or July because climbing season is closed for the year... but if you sent one... and it made it here without getting broken I would make all your dreams (of me drinking your soda on top of Mt. Fuji) come true.

  3. yes please! Send me one! : )
