Monday, November 13, 2006

spending money like a champ

so...i've been buying stuff. and feeling guilty about it. it's been a long long time since i've had a regular paycheck and now that i have an income i'm becoming more liberal with my spending. that's what we'll call it. liberal spending. to my defense, i'm still a total tightwad. i haven't bought anything without some sort of discount or intense online research so in my head that gives me permission to shell out for some cool stuff. i still really hate accumulating things and it's hard for me to justify spending money and raising support at the same time so it's about time to put a lid on it. but really most of the things i bought are things that are long overdue for replacement (flip flop season is over, i've been using the same wallet since i stole it from mary-claire in high school, etc.). so there's my justification. thank you for playing along, now look how cool:

cute, right? eight bucks and in my size. come on!

the queen bee bag i've been dreaming of for YEARS

finally an fm transmitter/charger that works and isn't designed by an idiot!
that's pretty much it. there may have been some stationery (only a little!) and a book or two (just the ones that the library doesn't have!) and some new sheets (the old ones had holes...come on) and a matching pillow (so i'm a sucker for stripes) but that's pretty much it. seriously.


  1. you sound like someone else i know. it's ok, though, she makes all the money.

  2. I totally thought "mary-claire" was the name of the STORE you stole your wallet from. Which I thought was funny that you were justifying that although you DID steal it, you haven't replaced it with a boughten and/or another stolen item. I was like, "Ang, that isn't really a huge accomplishment." I only stole two things in life; one when I was 5 and one when I was 18. My mother made me take both back... so needless to say. Those days were (praise Jesus) short-lived.
