Sunday, November 05, 2006

now if i just had blogger beta....

a few months ago my computer freaked out while i was doing some template stuff on this blog and it deleted all of my links. it was a horrific day because just a couple weeks before that i accidentally deleted all of my saved bookmarks as well. i remembered a lot of it but there are still a lot of cool things that i bookmarked that i will probably never find again. all in all it was a good lesson because i never would have admitted or really even realized how addicted i am to the internet and collecting cool internet stuff until it was all gone.

then, joy of joys, while i was cleaning up the basement before main event i came across a piece of paper with my handwriting all over it. turns out it was the scrap of paper i scribbled a ton of links on the first time i decided to put them all up on my blog so LUCKY YOU my links section is back up and running. the paper also had a bunch of other stuff on it, like Ben's(?) phone number and several to-do lists. i deciphered that the paper must have been right before new year's last year because there's a bunch of "before chicago" type stuff on it, like "look up train schedules" (which i never actually do), "look up good ethnic food" (which is dumb because the best places are the ones that won't be on the internet), "borrow socks" (your guess is as good as mine).

another quirk i have (a tangent to the list-making tendency) is that the night before a busy day i often make a detailed list of what to do in the morning. i think that in my head it makes sense to organize how to be as efficient as possible down to an excruciating level of detail. for instance part of this list is "wake up, shower, breakfast, dry hair, brush teeth" and it's in that order so that my hair starts drying while i eat and i wait to brush my teeth until after i dry my hair because it's annoying to brush my teeth immediately after i eat because of the residual cereal gunk in my teeth that will just end up in my toothbrush if i don't wait a few minutes. i don't know why i can't just have a routine without having a thought out reason and written order to how things are done. you don't even want to know what that list looks like if my car needs to be cleaned out or if there's laundry to be done. there are usually several drafts.

wow, i'm crazy.


  1. so yeah - i totally agree w/ ya about blogger beta. not cool - i want in!

    ps - did you like marie antoinette? i want to see that but only if it's good. :)

  2. What's blogger beta? I mean... I'm in it but it doesn't seem any different.
