Thursday, October 26, 2006

my only football game of the year

well folks, it seems as if it's about time for an update. i'm trying not to be distracted by the daily show and the recipe for something called "mint chocolate volcano cakes" i just found. anyway.

last saturday (a long time ago) my nephew Cody got to play his last football game of the season in the dome on his birthday!! my dad called me to invite me (a pretty big deal) so i went to cheer him on (Cody, not my dad). it was so cute and a lot of fun. he turned 12 and i haven't gotten to see him in probably 3 years so it was really good. he made a really great play and they announced his name and said happy birthday. family stuff on that side is going shockingly well. we all seem to be consistently happy to see each other and even have things to talk about most of the time. it's really really nice. i took Samantha (Cody's sister) down to the front row so I could take some pictures and she saw lots of her friends from school. a few of them asked who I was and I really liked hearing her say, "That's my aunt!" in her cute little excited voice. I hope to hear it a lot more often...even if none of her friends are around and I just make her say it to me.

(who looks exactly like her dad)


Cody is #50

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