Sunday, June 11, 2006

first of all

Hi. I'm back. I have a new charger cord thing and we're back in business! It's been a really long time and i'm a little overwhelmed about where to start updating. we'll start with my birthday because slens asked about it and i left her hanging. it was fun. I hung out with Crissa for most of the day because she had just gotten home from DC. It was nice because she forgot that it was my birthday so it didn't need to be the topic of conversation all day. She didn't really forget my birthday as it turned out because right before I left she said, "Hey your birthday is coming up on the 23rd, right?" and I had to politely inform her that it was, in fact the 23rd. It was pretty funny. Then I had dinner with my mom and Luke at Olive Garden. I politely requested that they not inform the waitstaff that it was my birthday so that they wouldn't sing to me. More accurately, I threatened to walk out if anyone said the word "birthday" in front of any staff member. Sometimes I feel guilty about how much I hate the restaurant birthday singing situation because Holly hasn't ever experienced it and she would probably love it. It makes me feel ungrateful. If Holly hadn't moved to the other side of the country I would have made her come with me and had them sing to her instead.

Then I went over to Andrea's and hung out. Alisha had brought chocolate cake mix and frosting for us to make cupcakes with. We brought them over to my house to make them but my mom got mad that we were making noise (welcome to high school) so we just made them at her house the next day. She even had sprinkles to put on them. And we watched American Idol which I had never done before.

Oh! She also brought me a balloon and daisies! I meant to take a picture of them but I forgot, sorry. They were beautiful. I love daisies. Alisha is the best. She's such a great friend, it's been so great to get to see her all the time. We've done lots of fun stuff together, planting tomatoes and lots of painting and other stuff to get ready for the baby. She has pictures of all of this stuff happening that I'll get from her sometime soon. Um yeah, that was my birthday. Okay that's all I'm going to post right now because I have to go switch laundry and find my camera and see what else I have to post about.


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Welcome back! Dude, you could write about the great times you had in Iowa City hanging out with me. Oh wait, I kicked you guys out of my apartment so I could go to bed because I am an old woman. Yeah, great times. Good to have Angie updates again though.

  2. Woot woot! I got a mention. Also, I am very glad that you are in the blogosphere. Your blog is one of my faves.
