Wednesday, December 28, 2005

looking for one safe place

my sister-in-law (whom i love) buys me a Bible Verse of the Day calendar every year for Christmas because i'm the xian in the family. most of the time i forget i have it and tear off about 15 days at a time. but i still really like it and i've come across quite a few verses that i've looked up and used in my quietime, and it keeps me in scratch paper.

most of the time when i'm tearing off the 15 days at a time i save the ones i like and put them in a pile. when i was moving into vicki's house i stashed that pile into the back of the calendar so i could look them up later. well apparently the place i stashed them was on December 28 because i just tore off December 27 (Mark 16:15), and found August 10 (2 Corinthians 3:18) and was very confused. in fact i was going to post-date this post to August 10th just to be witty but then realized that it'd be put in the August archives and no one would find it and then it wouldn't be that funny.

but maybe it would. it'd be like that "if a tree falls and no one hears it..." thing. if a post is clever but no one reads it...

the other thing about this calendar is that i get a mini swell of pride every time i'm familiar with the verse (like today - Isaiah 52:7), which is sad. sometimes it makes me want to jot down why i know the verse and save it for future generations. i'm pretty sure this desire comes from the new stacks of my grandma's stuff that show up on the kitchen counter that i spend hours investigating, finding out more about the secrets of the 60 years of my grandma's life that happened before i happened. i tell myself it's okay that i didn't ask more about growing up during the depression or falling in love with the ice delivery man because i'll just ask her all about it in heaven, because i'll be there before you know it. but then i'm pretty sure that when i'm in heaven i won't really care all that much about my earthly life or my grandma's so i guess it's just too late. so in the meantime it's pretty fun looking at her cool old stuff and playing in her jewelery box uninterupted by my mom yelling "putonyourcoatrightnoworyou'llbelatetopractice!"

i like refering to my life as "in the meantime"


  1. In my defense: If you'd asked an actual question, not just "I keep getting an error message" I maybe could have fixed it. Also, I probably could get the video thing to work, but you didn't ask about that. did you?

    wow that sounds way more angry and snotty then it did in my head. sorry.

    remember how my name is roster? I need a belt buckle that says that. I'd wear it everywhere.

  2. you totally commented on the wrong post. good job.

  3. what can i say? I'm just a failure in so many ways lately. so what did you ever decided about new years? when will you get here you lazy bum?

  4. i'm here lazy bum. i refuse to make new years plans on the comment section of my blog.
