Monday, April 06, 2009


Okay. Netflix is great. It's really pretty entertaining. From the 80 or so movies in my queue they have discovered that the following categories make up my taste in movies:

Visually-striking Mind-bending Dramas
Critically-acclaimed Independent Movies
Romantic Comedies Featuring a Strong Female Lead
HBO Sitcoms
Cerebral Movies

Hilarious. I sound so smart and interesting. What Netflix doesn't know won't hurt them.

What are your categories?


  1. if by visually striking they mean "dance sequence included" and by strong female lead they mean "16 year old girl" then yes this sounds about right.

  2. I'd like to second what Jess said, and I think Center Stage could match all those categories (except for the HBO thing).

    Also, according to netflix, I love:

    Critically Acclaimed Action Adventures
    Visually Striking Quirky Independent movies
    Feel Good Teen Comedies
    Visually Striking SciFi and Fantasy
    BBC Tv Shows
