Wednesday, April 08, 2009

44 cent hilarity

I was at Wal-Mart during my monthly hunt for flat things to mail to people in Africa and found a 44 cent card section. 44 cents?! That's nothing! How thrilling. It was mostly ugly kid birthday cards...but then...a diamond in the rough.

I mean really, this card had me at "Garbanzo" and I probably would have bought it no matter what it said on the inside. And the little Garbanzo dude? Totally makes up for the bad font.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Still laughing. Still chuckle every time I see it on my desk. Cracks me right up. Laughed really hard in the aisle. I might go back to buy the rest of these that they had in stock. I mean seriously, who does not need a bean card? So funny.

My grandma used to have a magnet in the shape of a bean with arms and legs and a face and on the belly it said, "I'm a human bean" and I just thought it was referring to the arms and legs and face. I mean yeah, it was clearly a bean that was human, it was a bean with human parts. Human bean. Why is that funny? I was a serious child.

My brother has reservations about this card because he thinks the 9 year-old I'm going to send it to won't get it because he didn't know about garbanzo beans until 2 years ago. I laughed at the time but that might be valid. I didn't know about garbanzo beans until college when Jeff Horst (hope you don't Google your own name) kept cans of them in his dorm room and even had a mini strainer and ate them out of the can while watching TV. However, garbanzos became a bigger part of my life in Africa because they're on couscous. I just hope her family doesn't call them chickpeas or then we're really in a pickle.


  1. Oh...... this is hilarious to me also!! Great one!!!!

  2. Seriously...that is amazing. I'm considering making a trip to Walmart to see if Austin has that card. I think I need it. That little garbanzo guy is so cute!

  3. isn't this like the third time you mentioned Jeff and added the google clause? I think so. No, wait it was that other Jeff, from high school? Anyway. Who doesn't google their own name. It sucks when your name changes... then there is no info. Lame.
