Sunday, March 08, 2009


Oh hi.

So, I'm back. I've maybe been hiding out a little bit.

Coming back hasn't been easier or harder than I thought it would be. I'm as thrilled to buy stuff at Target as I knew I would be, as bewildered with the church finding dilemma as I thought I would be, as excited about the library as I used to be and as overwhelmed with the future as I've always been.

I got to spend my first couple weeks at home mostly with Crissa, helping her get ready to move to Chile. It felt good to focus on her instead of freaking out about America and she was gracious while I forgot how to get where we were going and obsessed about paint colors to keep my mind off heavier things. I was glad to be home and sleeping 10 hours a night, exhausted from the last two years, but so jealous of her new adventure as we searched for luggage straps and voltage converters.

Since she left I have been exclusively sitting in my bed reading Twilight. That's seriously all I've done. I read the last two books in three days and now I'm re-reading the first one because I'm so sad that it is over. I keep trying to find excuses for how much I love the books - that my female emotions are being manipulated by the writing style, that I relate to the characters reacting to a culture that should be familiar, that it's just a logical next step after loving Harry Potter, etc, etc, but really Jess is right, they're just the kind of books I like. I have a general distaste for fiction except for young adult fantasy series fiction. It's just who I am apparently.

But alas, it is time to emerge from the down cocoon. I've officially applied for a job and renewed my driver's license after a long afternoon of taking (acing!) tests. I also figured out how to record DVDs off of the DVR which is seriously a great accomplishment. It's the new thing that is sucking my life away. (omg get it - because the last thing was Twilight...vampires...sucking my life away...get it?)

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