Friday, October 13, 2006

my friends are the coolest

I've gotten some fun mail lately. Usually the only excitement via post I expect is a packet of letters from Kate in Africa but the fellas have really been pulling through. I love mail. A lot. I would love nothing more than a pen pal if any of you are interested. I'm good at it, just so you know. Anyway. Tim was a little disappointed that I got a job at Starbucks because you know, it's selling out and everything. He threatened to make me a Sellout shirt but I only half believed he'd do it.
Well, he did.
I'm rather impressed. This shirt required a trip to Hobby Lobby and even the use of an iron. It's pretty darn great. The note enclosed in the package (written on a post office form of some sort) only said "I told you I'd do it," which was also pretty funny.

Surprise number 2? An international mixtape. O(≧∇≦)O There's nothing cooler than getting mail and looking to see who it's from and not being able to read the language it's in. Pretty awesome. Yudai sent me this super fantastic CD full of Japanese delights. Yes, it came with a birthday card. No, it's nowhere near my birthday, but he knew that (which is also impressive). There's some pretty great J-pop and (as advertised) everything from rap to jazz to salsa. Love it. Thanks Yudai. m(._.)m

I was so excited and knew that only Holly could understand so I promptly text messaged her. She asked what was on it so here's the track listing.

Now I need to think of fun things to send back to them. I once offered to send Yudai some good Iowa food but the packaging concerns got the best of me. I wonder how far a tomato with a stamp on it would make it.


  1. ang, give it up for "rip slyme" and "smap"... rock on sister!

  2. that's excellent. I love getting and sending mail. :)
