Saturday, July 22, 2006

please do not disturb

I am currently doing something that I've never done before. I'm spending the night in a hotel room all alone. My mom bailed and isn't coming to Jess's wedding so I'm staying in our hotel room by myself. I think I talked Alex into staying with me tomorrow but for now it's just me. I thought I'd be excited to stay up and watch whatever I want on TV and maybe raid the vending machines but after a week of wedding craziness and 4 nights on an air mattress I'm too exhausted to do anything fun. All I could handle was going to the front desk for a spare toothbrush (I forgot mine at Jess's) and sorting out my suitcase. Oh, and finding the wireless internet connection, of course. I didn't even go put ice in the ice bucket. (My parents always made a big deal out of filling up the ice bucket. I think mostly to get us out of the room for a while)

I can't believe Jess and Eli's wedding is tomorrow. At this point I'm just excited that it'll be over soon, but I know it'll be really fun. We talked to the pastor tonight (Eli's friend Trevor from Colorado) and as I helped them decide about how to word their vows it really hit me that they're really getting married. They're two of the most important people in my life and it's so fun to get to share so much of this with them. There was a rehearsal/open house thing tonight and both families were together and it was so fun to see everyone all at once. I've never seen Eli and his brother and sister all together before. It was so fun, they're so cool. Alex and I escaped to Woodfield to see Dan and help him pick out a suit. It made things a little more rushed later tonight and getting stuff done and driving to the hotel came a little later than I had hoped, but I think I would have totally burned out without the little break. I'm so thankful that I have friends that meet my needs in such different ways, that I knew that going to see Dan would be a total release from any pressure or stress I was feeling.

Oh and the bouquets are done. Finally. I'll post pictures soon so you can see them. Months of work is finally done and after the wedding is over tomorrow I really won't know what to do with myself.

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