Friday, April 28, 2006

you know what sucks?


this is what i found in my hair last night when I was almost asleep. stupid woods. i woke up my mom and made her check for more. and then i made her check again for tick babies. my mom said there were no tick babies and that i should just go to sleep. then i went back and asked if i should wash my pillowcases and she said "angie ticks don't travel in packs and if they did they would be in your head, not on your pillow" which was definitely not an image that made it easy for me to fall asleep. this was my first parasitic experience, but it won't keep me away from the woods. i'll just wear a hat next time. unless i die of lyme disease before i get the chance.


  1. Ha ha, I like the joke. I have had many a ticks in my life and I am lyme free. You will be just fine. Make sure you check anywhere clothing is tighter on you (like waist bands and tops of socks and aroudn your bra. That is where ticks most frequently adhere to(besides your head). Another good idea is to tuck your pant legs inside your sock. That way the ticks can't travel up your leg. And you look totally hot!

  2. gosh stace, what were you, a camp counselor or something?

    you're so full of information!

    ps my word verification is "pojam"
