Sunday, April 30, 2006

church that! double church!

woo! busy day again!

lish and i headed over to Prairie Lakes for the early service. i was hoping that the third time would be a charm and I could hear Eli's old pastor preach...but no. it was some other Jason dude. it was a pretty good talk, but sometimes hard to follow and lots of page flipping to figure out what was going on. it's a huge church and is all pretty and new. we went exploring and amy swisher caught us. we also saw matt sharp (on his way to jordan!) and amy baldwin. it was somewhere in between what parkview is now and what i'm imagining it will be like after the renovation. it was comfortable (mostly) and all of the (many) different ministries all had snazzy names and fancy logos. the coffee smelled great. no less than 73 people demanded to shake my hand and say good morning but none of them asked me my name.

we went to VI for some breakfast (I tried the multigrain pancakes - not bad) and then went to my house for a crafting lesson and a change of clothing. after avoiding a piece of stray siding flying off the top of my house (seriously), we gathered up some power tools, including the power washer (my parents have everything) to get rid of some peeling paint at her house.

then it was church #2. it was pretty great. about 30 people (only 2 from my high school! an all time low!), good worship, self-guided communion, good teaching, young atmosphere. everyone asked me what my name was. the pastor asked if he and his wife could take me to lunch or out for coffee sometime. that's what i call church.

so yeah, i still have a long way to go in figuring out the whole church thing. i know (from experience) that you can get plugged in and have a great experience at a huge church, but something about the vibe at smaller churches just speaks to me lately.

gosh! i'm such an annoying twentysomething! whine whine whine, postmodern postmodern postmodern, mindset mindset mindset. i appologize.

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