Friday, April 14, 2006

the answers

i was able to stop coughing long enough to turn in the cup of joe application on wednesday. some people were interested in how i answered the questions, so i thought i'd let you know!

1. Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

not that i know of, but red is my second favorite color

2. If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one of the following, which would it be?
a. a stack of National Geographics
b. the complete works of Danielle Steel
c. a single latte

3. Hypothetical Question: A groggy, confused, caffeine deprived customer walks in. How would you approach the situation?
a. talk slowly and loudly
b. slap them silly
c. suggest a double espresso or redeye

4. What are your thoughts on Kwik Star Cappuccino?

for three weeks in a row we snuck out of junior high bell choir practice to walk the 3 blocks to the nearest Kwik Star to get our fix. we didn't even try to hide the evidence and our parents never asked where the cups came from.

5. What do you think your mission would be at the cup?
a. to cater to the caffiene craze currently hitting CF/Waterloo
b. to caffeinate the free world
c. to bring peace and happiness to those around you

6. How do you feel about Decaf?

it makes me feel like an old man

7. Is Folger's an "F' word to you?

yes, but it's not my favorite one...and the commercial circa 1986 where the brother comes home to surprise everyone and sneaks in the house in the morning and makes coffee and everyone wakes up...i get choked up every time.

8. Are you sufficiently addicted to caffiene?

of course

9. If you could have only one beverage for the rest of your life (besides H2o) , what would it be?

white tea - pear or orange blossom flavored. or grape juice.

10. Where have you worked?

blah blah blah (that's not what i wrote, i'm just not going to list it)

11. What are you doing with your life?

i'm not in school and i don't have a job. i spend a lot of time with my dog. and starting new craft projects. i want to live in africa.


  1. yea I guess a lot of coughing going around. I got this stuff up chest, runny nose and awful cough and I'm in Idaho.

  2. Okay.

    Yes! I am in charge of Jo's update letters. Please send me your address and I will get it to you with this next batch of letters. I will be working on them over the weekend when I have pockets of time. Just go ahead and send it to my email - i check that more often over the weekend.

    Thanks! Glad you can join her list.
