Saturday, March 04, 2006

10, 9, 8, 7....

Ten Firsts

First best friend - Katie Waterman
First screen name - thatsmybyk
First pet - 2 goldfish - Michael and Jennifer, they died when we were on vacation
First piercing- ears
First crush - Matt Denney
First kiss - Zach Deitz
First CD - Dave Matthews Band - Under the Table and Dreaming
First car- 97 Green Oldsmobile Achieva with glow in the dark stars on the roof
First stuffed animal - My bear Tedward who had a broken nose
First broken bone - my left pinkie finger. Nick Bartlett pushed me off my scooter and I couldn't play softball for the rest of the summer.

Nine Lasts

Last beverage - milk
Last car ride - to church to pick up Luke
Last movie seen - Rent
Last phone call - Jess...about 5 times while she was at work
Last CD played - Reindeer Section - Ya'll Get Scared Now and Cash by Johnny Cash
Last bubble bath - I can't even remember. Baths aren't my thing. Unless you count giving the dog a bath, which was on Monday.
Last time you cried - Watching the last episode of Sex and the City last night?
Last time you laughed - About 10 minutes ago listening to a voicemail from Jess that said "Ange, you need to put your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee...ohwaityoualreadydid!"
Last time you fell - Alex would know better than me. I think it was off the curb outside the movie theater after Luke and I went to Rent.

Eight Shows you like

1. Arrested Development
2. Globe Trekker
3. Project Runway
4. Daily Show/Colbert Report
5. #1 Single
6. Daria
7. Martha
8. Grey's Anatomy

Seven Things You Are Wearing

1. glasses
2. black fleece pants
3. a blue t-shirt
4. my grey hoodie
5. deoderant
6. a hair tie on my thumb
7. my heart on my sleeve

Six Things You've Done Today

1. woke up and read for a while
2. had lunch with my mom
3. talked to jess on the phone
4. went for a walk with Riley (who I decided should be named Rilian from Narnia)
5. talked to jess on the phone some more
6. took a shower

Five Favorite Things

1. lists
2. backpacks
3. road trips
4. paper
5. travel

Four People You Can Trust With Anything

1. Alisha
2. Jess
3. Rachel
4. The Internet

Three Choices

1. Hot or cold - cold
2. Black or white - black
3.Chocolate or Vanilla - chocolate

Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die

1. live overseas for a long time
2. have a husband and kids

One Thing You Regret
1. not paying attention when they taught us financial responsibility in school

1 comment:

  1. where do you find all these great things?
