Monday, January 16, 2006

from where you think you will end up

I had a couple things to take care of in Iowa City so I headed down on Friday for the weekend. Rachel and I were going to meet up with Cate and Noel at the Speak Easy (which we predicted would have been awesome because of the amount of large trucks in the parking lot) but instead we headed to The Vine with the Lone Tree crowd. Rachel, Cate and I hung out at Cate's with ice cream and Arrested Development and then Rachel and I stayed up way too late catching up. Slept in on Saturday, grabbed lunch with Rachel's mom and I left for D-port to hang out with Timmy!

Tim doesn't think that he's a real grown up, but according to his fancy new apartment, (complete with kitchen gadgets and an Alcohol Distribution System), real life enginerding job, and snazzy satelite radio system, signs point to ADULT.

I got a very nice tour of the Quad Cities (although Tim needs to work on his tour guide voice) including the following:

we found a peep show!

ok not really but it was some sort of automatic kaleidoscope thing which was amazing

i asked him to take me up to the sky bridge thing

one of the windows was broken

not this one

the lights changed colors, it was awesome

then we walked along the river to the baseball place and scared some birds

the sun was setting and the bridge was pretty

oh yeah and there was a baseball thing

Some B list Cardinals were in town to promote the local minor league team. Some of the fans were pretty awesome and I wished we would have talked to them. There was a raffle but we didn't win anything, and Tim almost locked me out when I went outside to check out the field.

We had dinner at Shenanigans (we forgot to order mozarella sticks) but Tim sallied out and went home to sleep off his headache and I went back to Iowa City. Buckles was absent for the event, so Tim is promising a real party sometime soon. Watch out Quad Cities.

Hung out with Rachel and Eli 2 at Burge (where Eli is an RA) where we also hung out with Kevin Hockett (flashback) and watched Globe Trekker. Stayed up way too late again, which made waking up for church very difficult. Lunch at Tony's, a little downtown time and then more Ice Cream and Arrested Development at Cate's before I headed back to CF.

Now we just need to find 13 more people to skydive with us and we get a discount. Who's in?


  1. speaking of scaring birds.... did I tell you I kicked a pigeon? like full on walked up to it and it didn't get out of my way kicked it? yea I was shocked. I really just didn't know how to handle that.

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I am defending myself here so that people don't think that all there is to me is ice cream and Arrested Development. Really it's not.
    "it walked on my pillow!"
