Sunday, October 02, 2005

I didn't feel so bad till the sun went down

the krui dj's need to communicate more and stop playing venus every 2 hours. or i need to stop forgetting my cd's at work and stop listening to the crappy radio.

mark's going away party was today. it was so surreal. i cried like 5 times. i was probably by far the least patriotic person in the room and i was so sad. seeing his worried parents made me feel really guilty for choosing to leave my family for 2 years. although hopefully there will be no semi-automatic weapons involved in my overseas experience.

goodbye count: 4

i just talked to matt (on my parent's lawn- i'm telling you it's a great lawn) until my phone died. i always feel like i don't talk to him enough but then when i'm talking to him it seems like there's really nothing new to say. mostly because he's all business and just calls to check on future plans and i don't really care enough about future plans to have anything new to say about them. then one of us brings up some subject and matt talks about it at length when i would rather be telling him about falling off the curb today at the movie theater and skinning my knees. all i ever do is complain about talking to jess constantly about stupid stuff and only talking to matt sporadically and only about serious stuff. who do i think i am.

you know who's great? alex. alex and i have a pretty great mix of random phone calls to tell eachother about funny situations and actual conversations about things that matter. she's the first one i thought of (other than myself at the age of nine) today when i biffed it because she's the only one who knows how funny it is when people fall over. i'm fairly confident that i'll be able to maintain a friendship with alex from across the pond. she's promised to come visit. IN FACT she's the only one who promised to come visit me in africa. now keep in mind it was on the basis of having an excuse to come to africa, not having an excuse to see me...but i'll take what i can get. alex is pretty responsible, she got a job close to home that she likes which is apparently beyond the grasp of more people than i thought. alex likes beer and knows the hula. what more could you ask for? siblings, you could ask for her to have siblings. alas, it's too late for that. anyway. there's some stuff about alex. i thought alex was my normal friend but it turns out i was really very wrong. no one should be that into canada. she felt bloglected so now you know she's in my life. maybe sometime i'll make a longer list of other things of interest pertaining to alex. that would be a silly list. almost as silly as the list of gross things jess does that i'm going to give her husband on their wedding night. i'm really looking forward to that list. i've never seen alex use the air conditioning vents to dry off her sweat stains.

ps- saw the new trailer for goblet of fire today. ralph fiennes is voldemort! so exciting! i'm seriously considering re-re-reading the book before the movie comes out.

1 comment:

  1. Woot! now I don't feel neglected. and you made me laugh really hard. and for the record I have never misused air conditioning.
