Saturday, October 15, 2005

all i taste is envelope paste

I love Vicki. We just sat and talked for a couple hours (and ate chips and salsa and drank red wine out of Welsh's jelly jar glasses) and it was so good. For a while I was afraid I just liked talking to her because she doesn't know all of my stories. I think it's past that. I think it's been a long time since I've been able to start fresh with a person. It's also the first time in a long time that I've had a real connection with someone from the first time we met. I can be totally real with her and I feel like we connect in a really honest way. She's been through some tough stuff so it's easy to talk to her about the crap of life and she's so wise, but she doesn't know it so it's just easy. She even watched Globe Trekker with me and we sat and talked about Cambodia. Not very many people are that cool.

So anyway. I'm almost completely caught up on the stuff I was behind on. I'm almost in correspondance with all of my supporters and today I even sorted my stationary box. I'm trying to get rid of all of it before I leave so that means sending about 19 letters a week. Get ready. I don't have that many friends so if you're reading this, you should be expecting lots of mail. Lucky you!

Next weekend is Main Event. I can't believe it's already the middle of October. I feel like I'm missing it, I don't know what to do. Although Fall = Main Event so that will help. I wonder if Fall weather will happen in England. I realized the other day that I forgot to remember that it was my last spring. I panicked a little and assigned Alex to find out if the UK has Shamrock Shakes. I'll let you know. We're skipping the Saturday stuff and everyone is coming over to watch the Michigan game on my parent's huge TV.

Okay that's all I've got, you're updated.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to England? What is this all about? You never told me about the main event!
