Monday, October 25, 2004

oh hey look, a bandwagon! wait up!

Yes, I have a blog. Just don't tell anyone, okay? Thanks. I bet these things are really great for people who have creative interests to cultivate or some sort of knowledge or insight to share. I guess I just can't say no to a new venue on which to try to get people to figure out who I am or listen to what I have to say without actually having to effectively communicate with them. The interesting thing is that, although I talk a lot, rarely do I actually have anything to say. This could get interesting because this sort of forum leads to a lot of editing of what I'm saying before you get the chance to read it which means that there's a good chance I'll just delete the parts of these postings where I'm saying nothing, which will leave behind lots of incoherant thoughts and stuff I think is funny, which I guess is the point. Okay I'm done for now.

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